
Monday, 28 March 2011

New alert!!! New Promotions..!!

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Type of Landscape design..

  • Urban landscape

  • Temporary landscape


  • Traditional landscape  

  • Garden Landscape

  • Stone landscape

  •  Waterfall landscape

Price for the Landscape Design


-COST ABOUT RM 6,000-RM 16,000


-COST ABOUT RM5,000-RM 10,000


-COST ABOUT RM 7,000-RM 13,000


-COST ABOUT RM 4,000-RM 10,000


-COST ABOUT RM 5,000-RM 10,000


Sunday, 27 March 2011

Top 10 Landscape Trees Autumn Trees, Landscape Trees for All Seasons

Landscape Trees for Spring

Magnolia Trees

Spring is for flowers. We have the rest of the year to fuss over the foliage of a tree, the novelty of a tree's bark, or the pattern in which its branches grow. But when the snow recedes and life returns, I want color -- and lots of it! Nothing furnishes color quite like flowers, whether on annuals or perennials, on shrubs or on trees. Any well-planned yard will contain at least one flowering landscape tree of exceptional beauty. Magnolia trees are among the showiest flowering landscape trees. While star magnolias bloom earlier, saucer magnolias provide a larger bloom.

Varieties of Apple Trees

You don't have to be a farmer to want to grow apple trees in your yard. It's about more than just the fruit: apple trees are beautiful bloomers in their own right! The fruit is a bonus.

Landscape Trees for Summer

Dogwood Trees

But you'll want more than just flowering landscape trees that provide a floral extravaganza in spring. Fortunately, sometimes you get a "2 for 1" deal (or better) in landscaping. In this case, I mean versatile landscape trees that earn their keep during more than just one of the four seasons. Dogwood trees offer such a deal: blooms for spring, an interesting branching pattern for summer, colorful foliage for fall. As if that weren't enough, these landscape trees attract wild birds, too.

Japanese Maple Trees

Some of the Japanese maples, too, are versatile, but in a different way: they're great "autumn trees" not only in autumn, but also during the summer season. That is, they display the vibrant colors we associate with fall foliage when most other trees still bear green leaves.

Landscape Trees for Autumn

Types of Maple Trees

The Japanese maples may be precocious, but some of the maples native to North America or Europe are equally beautiful as autumn trees -- and they are larger (e.g., sugar maples). Their greater size allows them to fulfill another task of landscape trees: providing shade in summer. The imposing dimensions of these landscape trees also help accentuate their fall color. In this article I look at some types of maples that, even on a cloudy fall day, will light up the yard like giant torches.

Landscape Trees for Winter

Blue Spruce Trees

We've addressed the role of landscape trees in providing visual interest in the yard for spring, summer and fall. But what about winter? When the colorful fall foliage is gone, do your landscape trees have anything left to offer? Yes, they do -- if you've selected your landscape trees wisely. When Old Man Winter darkens your doorstep, it's time for the evergreen landscape trees to shine. For instance, why don't you take your cue from the holiday season and plant those Christmas classics, blue spruce trees?

Dwarf Alberta Spruce Trees

Also popular as evergreen landscape trees is another kind of spruce, the dwarf alberta spruce. You'll often see them used in pairs to flank the entryway to a house for a formal look that strives for balance. Because dwarf Alberta spruce trees will remain relatively small for a number of years, people sometimes treat them (at least initially) as container plants.

Arborvitae Trees

Arborvitae does more than just look pretty year-round. This evergreen landscape tree is widely planted to create "living wall" privacy fences to screen you from the prying eyes of nosey neighbors.

Nellie R. Stevens Holly

Another landscape tree that offers winter interest and is planted to form privacy screens is the 'Nellie R. Stevens' holly. This one's evergreen, too, but with a twist: it's considered a "broadleaf" evergreen.

Birch Trees

But not all landscape trees planted for winter interest bear evergreen foliage. Some just have interesting branching patterns or an unusually pleasing bark. Birches are examples of landscape trees with the latter quality.

Saturday, 26 March 2011

The most popular categories in the landscape.

Are you looking for landscaping designs and ideas? If so I hope you're comfortable, because you're going to be here for a while! These are the list of the most popular categories in the landscape..


Friday, 25 March 2011

11 Simple Solutions for Small-Space Landscape

Use Color Effectively

We love this trick: Place bold, bright colors in front of where you'll view them. Because they catch your attention first, the rest of the landscape beyond will seem to recede, helping it to feel larger.

Create a View
 Here, a simple pergola creates a view that gives this small front yard a grand feel. Arbors and pergolas are great ways to frame a view, but you can do the same with shrubs, small trees, or even pieces of garden art.

Make It Cozy

This tiny back yard is full of lush shrubs that screen out the view beyond. The result is a cozy, private retreat -- and the small scale feels just right.

Use the Power of Perspective

Long, straight lines trick you into thinking a space is bigger than it is. To take full advantage of this illusion, subtly slant the far end of the lines toward one another. Here, a low split-rail fence does the job and is enhanced by two rows of large shrubs.

Break It Up

This trick may seem contradictory, but we promise it works: Break up open areas of a small space so it feels larger. Here, a colorful bed of roses, annuals, and perennials effectively divides a small back yard landscape into attractive nooks.

Create Extra Interest

Sometimes the best way to deal with a small space is to make a distraction. Here, the mixture of paving materials adds enough interest to a small back yard that you hardly notice the landscape's tiny size.

Let Your Imagination Run

Create a sense of mystery and intrigue with a series of garden rooms. They'll help your small landscape feel bigger; just make each room distinct and create views so you have only a hint of what you'll see next.

Borrow Views

If your neighbors aren't into gardening like you are, take advantage of their open spaces to create the feel of a vista in your yard. This yard is packed with colorful flowers -- but the open yard next door keeps it from feeling cramped.

Make a Destination

The highlight of this small landscape is a pergola draped with wisteria. Placing the pergola in the back corner of the yard gives you -- and your eye -- a destination, which helps make it feel more spacious.

Use a Focal Point

A focal point is a great way to draw the eye's attention and help small spaces feel tidy. Here, a simple stand holds a beautiful container garden. The purple paint on the stand harmonizes with the same-colored fence beyond.

Take Advantage of Texture

Big, bold tropical plants create a lush feel. Their large leaves can change the scale of a small space to help it feel larger. (Plus, many tropical plants are super cool!)

 Hope you will enjoy it!!